These pages provide some reviews of models built and flown by ADS members as well as some pieces of their kit.
Derek has remotored his Dash 7 to a brushless setup and given her a makeover at the same time.
Robbe Dash 7 RefurbMike Pirie pays homage to Amy Johnson in his latest build. Read part 1 here.
De Havilland DH60 Gipsy MothMike's scaled down version of an 8 engine mammoth that in reality only flew for 26 seconds. This one has beaten it already.
Hughes H-4 HerculesDerek Robertson's long term project that finally took to the skies in 2019.
Blackburn BuccaneerMike Pirie and Les Adam combined over the winter of 2015/16 to make the Convair B36 dubbed the Peacemaker due to its nuclear deterrent capability.
Convair B36Sandy Tough held a boyhood dream to build one of these. It took him a while but he did it in the end!
Scottish Aviation Twin Pioneer